Before leaving us, Masaru Emoto was proving that compassion and happy thoughts could heal not only our bodies and minds but also the planet. The Ghostbusters also proved this theory with scientific tests on ectoplasm, so it’s gotta be true. Our bodies are made of 70% water. Drinking nontoxic water really is like changing the oil in a car (except we have to filter our bodies every day and Flint is still paying the price for the car industry). Healing grief, rage and fear within ourselves has a positive effect on not just our cells, but on every living thing around us cause we’re all made of the same stuff. Trees hug back and the tide kisses our feet.

I am you and you are me and we are Love-John-ish

13 thoughts on “Washing the Water

  1. After reading about his wor kI decided on waking up instead of getting stuck in negative loops of thinking to just keep saying the world love a lot to my body and concentrate on love. How we speak to ourselves does changes us cellularly I believe and since then I have been feeling so much more positive. I think he is amazing. And nature too has all the positive vibes we need so connecting every day is so important. I just wish I still lived by the ocean… Thanks for sharing the love <3.

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  2. Wow. Honest and inspiring emotions in every line in this writing, your words and thoughts are deep and mesmerizing, I really like your style. You spoke the truth in your heart perfectly. Nice post! I hope you could also follow my blog page if you don’t mind. Thank you! πŸ™‚

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